Can you believe I have an 18 month old child? Sometimes I am so amazed that I have two children and then I think about how fast time is going by. Jack is an energetic boy from his head to his toes. What he lacks in vocabulary he surpasses in physical abilities. I am constantly amazed at what he can do and constantly frustrated by what trouble he can also get into! How do you baby proof a house when the baby knows how to open doors, unlock cabinet locks in the kitchen, and is starting to figure out his car seat! Sometimes I think he is too smart at this age, but then I'm also so impressed with him. (This post is picture heavy, since I am covering 6 months).
Well, here are the details on his progress in the past couple months:
Weight: 21 lb.
Height: 31 inches
The pictures above are from a recent climbing trip and the bottom picture is on a recent family hike. Jack decided he wanted to carry Bodhi's lease. Below that is a picture from Jump Kraze, the bouncy house place that we went to a few times in the winter months.
A lot has changed for Jack in the past couple months. We have been trying to prepare him for the arrival of baby Ella and he seemed to transition pretty well. When I was pregnant he liked to rub my belly and even gave little Ella kisses. I would always tell him that was a baby and he would point to my belly if I asked him where the baby was. And any time we were out in public I would point out other babies to help him understand. When he first came to the hospital to see Ella and I, he had the funniest look of confusion on his face. Of course he immediately wanted to sit on my lap, which was occupied since I was breast feeding. Unfortunately that hasn't changed and Jack still wants to sit on my lap when I have Ella for a feeding. I have figured out ways to accommodate both though, so we are making it work. At least he really likes to give her kisses, which usually means a sloppy wet blow into her hair.
I know he has struggled a little with sharing his time with mom and dad, because he has also become a lot more aggressive or he finds ways to get into trouble. His curiosity means that there are times that we are yelling at him to stop so he doesn't get hurt or break something. When he doesn't get his way, of course he gets mad and acts out by hitting us or the baby. I'm still trying to figure out the best discipline, and he really does test his boundaries, so discipline happens on a regular basis. Sometimes I feel bad, because I know he is just adjusting to this new stage of life and he is just trying to get our attention. So I have made it a point to focus on him each day for one-on-one time to help him feel loved. We are getting there and although he can be a challenge, he is also such a delightful boy.
Jack loves to swing himself in the baby swing. If I knew he would have liked it so much for himself then I would have kept it out. Don't you love the Santa picture? We saw Santa at the local coffee shop on a Saturday morning in December. I loved that we didn't have to wait in line or pay for the quick photo! Below that is a picture of Jack holding my lunch bag like a purse.
We have spent a few days learning how to figure paint. He seemed to like it and we used that momentum to make a few holiday gifts with finger paint.
Jack waves at everyone and everything. He waves at cars and trucks, dogs, the shower, people, pretty much everything. I think it is so cute and of course strangers are always entertained by his kindness! He also plays really well with other kids and does so well when I drop him off in the nursery at church. We have been going to music class each week and it has been neat to see him get more interested each week. He will dance and gets super excited when the teacher pulls out the musical instruments for all to play with. He used to just run around the room, but now it seems that he is getting more into the music. We try to find time each day to dance at home too.
Although Jack has been fairly healthy in his first year of life, he has made up for it since then. He has had two big colds with fevers and runny noses and had his first ear infection. Fortunately the weather is starting to change though, so maybe he will do better through the summer.
Jack waves at everyone and everything. He waves at cars and trucks, dogs, the shower, people, pretty much everything. I think it is so cute and of course strangers are always entertained by his kindness! He also plays really well with other kids and does so well when I drop him off in the nursery at church. We have been going to music class each week and it has been neat to see him get more interested each week. He will dance and gets super excited when the teacher pulls out the musical instruments for all to play with. He used to just run around the room, but now it seems that he is getting more into the music. We try to find time each day to dance at home too.
Although Jack has been fairly healthy in his first year of life, he has made up for it since then. He has had two big colds with fevers and runny noses and had his first ear infection. Fortunately the weather is starting to change though, so maybe he will do better through the summer.
Some of Jack's favorite things are...hmm....his toy tool set, books, climbing on everything, going down the slide, Jeopardy, snuggling up at nighttime, throwing things, chasing the cat, pulling items out of drawers then putting them back, and most of all spending time with his daddy. Jack really loves to play and has a lot of energy. He especially likes when his daddy gets home and takes him for walks. He continues to play well on his own and we can bring him anywhere and he will find something to get into...he is sneaky like that. I guess that is because he is so advanced in his skills, he throws things, climbs on everything, kicks things, runs, climbs up on ladders, uses a spoon and fork, tries to walk up stairs, seriously, he is so impressive with his physical skills.
On the other hand, we still don't hear too many words yet. I feel like he is right on the cusp of speaking more, but at least I know he understands though. If you ask him to pick something up and bring it to you, he will do it. He knows when he is getting into trouble because he makes a face and looks back at you waiting for you to stop him. Right now Jack will say, Mama, Dada, and Hi. Sometimes he will making a barking noise if you ask what a dog says and he is starting to say bye bye and bad. He uses sign language to ask for more or that he wants something and that he is all done. He also waves. So there is a little communication and we are starting to understand him. Probably cutest of all is that he makes a sound like, hmm? all the time for everything. It is like he is asking us questions all the time.
We took Jack to a local pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins this year. I captured this shot of Jack and Joe using Joe's phone. We love it so much. Unfortunately he doesn't like being thrown in the air anymore.
We took Jack on a camping trip for the first time in October. We went to Boone, NC to boulder and then visited with a few friends. It was a surprisingly cold weekend and I had to stop at the outlets to buy gloves (I found a matching hat to go with it). He did just fine sleeping at night, but was not so happy during hikes since it was half snowing. I have to admit, I think he was a real trooper and I can't wait to bring him and Ella camping again this spring and summer. Below are pictures from the camping trip.
Honestly he is so much fun and I keep saying that he is at such a fun age. We are able to do a lot with him and I really can't wait to see him continue to grow. I wonder, will he love soccer or baseball? Will he like to climb? Will he continue to love music? Will he be a good big brother? I love watching him grow up and hope I am doing my best as his mommy.